
the time after.....

The time after.....after taboe tango...how is that?

lots of gooooood memories passing by,

...the shoulder massage rups, someone starts, the YES -let;s do THAT virus! carries on and in no time you have a massive fun line and caring stroking fingers in your back and neck. great!

The saying good buy line: beautiful and terribly emotional as well....all these eyes , memories of moments and dances shared together---I felt so happy, so sad and vulnerable all together

the cleaning of the dormitories: to the sounds of gotan project a broom brush tango trio evolves in the moment, instant composition with stoffer and blik, no discussion, just do and dance in one go, wonderful! (the ones I shared that with will remember..)

Playing with Paula, (this GORGEOUS angelito!!!) being in nature, smelling the woods, the wet leaves after the rain,
greeting the earth and meeting the sky in the morning with Roberto in the qui Gong circle,
sharing fun whilst waiting for the coffie or doing the dishes,

the encounters on the dance floor: each time touching upon a different energy, entering into another personal bubble of body-story, exploring, stumbling upon sometimes, laughing, being carried together into the flow of the music,

Most of all: experiencing the dynamics of people, their laughs, their ways, their energy.
open the heart and spread the vibe, be an angel everyday!

I felt my angel already today and the wings touched upon me...hmm.

Claudia morocha

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