This was a great 4 days gathering of wonderfull people. A new generation of angels has been born. This camp was again better than the last, because it was more a creation of us all together. And see what we created... I think, no I am sure, that we are not the same anymore after the camp. Each of us has experienced what happens when you come out, show your self and free your creative energies. We can do anything we want.
If you want to share something on this weblog, please do so. If you have photo's or video's, put them on the net and send the link. We will put them on the log.
It is now as a dream somehow. It feels strange to accept normal life again, but it helps to know that in december we will all meat again. In between we only have our Taboe milonga (every last friday of thje month) to offer.
Thank you all for being so beautifull.
Paul and Paras
Thank you, Paras & Paul, for making this possible. Without you, this would not have happened. You two unite all these fine and lovely people...
It was wonderful!
It was wonderfull! I'm stil walking with my head in the clouds! It's diffecult to get myself at the earth again and work from 08.00 till 17.00........
With loves.
Yes indeed beloved P&P
A dream came true !!
I ended my first year Tango dancing in Antwerp.
And I wanted to stop completely with Tango dancing !
It was to difficult, to technical … and I also experienced most of the time the same “socializing” as if we were on a “normal” party.
To much seriousness and superficial contacts, also in the lessons. Not enough intimacy and joy.
But now I discovered the one and only Taboe Tango Camp!!!
The melting of all worlds …
Milonga/tango, Smokefree parties, Biodanza, 5 rhytms, … Tantra courses …
The All In One Happening Austerlitz July 2008!!!
Yes, suddenly without taking one single extra lesson I could dance Tango ten times better, deeper, sweeter, more intense and intimate then ever before!
The energy field that was created again and again during the workshops, the daily togetherness, the incredible wauwing kick-offs made my heart sing and my body light and made much more possible then usual. I was flying over the crowded dancing floor, without the normal crashes!
Now I even start dreaming about a real Tango Community !!!
Imagine a place where we live together and where the Tango Taboe Dance is our life style, our daily food !!! Yes Paul and Paras, if we can create what we want, what are we waiting for???
Who joins me to build further on this idea?
But before flying to high, let’s keep the feet on the (dancing) floor.
I want to “repeat” it all in December with you, my brothers and sisters … my untamable wives and wild men!
So my beloved Paras and Paul please note the registration from me and Arjun for (y)our 6 days long and still to short amazing Taboe Camp during the end of this wonderful year 2008!
Note for the ones who are interested in the Intimate/Sex tango issue:
What to do after a close embrace dance … ???
After a few endless minutes that our heart melts,
and our whole bodymind longs for more,
while (s)he is already in the arms of somebody else,
dancing towards the ever changing moving clouds of happiness … ???
Well, just say … Zeg gewoon:
Ik dank jou …
met een tranend hart dat voluit lacht
zoals de warme zon die door de koele regen schijnt
Tussen ons is niets versmacht
’t maakt eerder een regenboog
wat een pracht
Tot dansens
Jo en zoontje Arjun (jo@grolus.be)
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