
Dear Campers, team and forrest spirits

Back home in Oslo, Norway, cleaning up my apartment and washing clothes. Pusami (my cat) sits in the middle of everything looking at me purring out loud.:-))
As allways leaving eachother after sunch a loving experience if feels a little bit like breaking up a loving relationship. So then I wonder, what do I want to hold on to and what do I want to let go...?
When I see Gemmas pictures, private moments captured with such love, if fills me with deep joy and hope that I will love again. With all emotions which resembles the colors of the rainbow in the sky...
Keep loving the floor...
Dear, dear Paras and Paul, you rock!!!
See you again soon, I hope

Unni Hermansen

If you want to contact me with feedback or just to stay in touch, here's my e-mail adress:unnibiz@yahoo.no

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